Shipping Container Homes

Last year I found myself in the middle of a conversation between my Dad and older brother, Mark, about creating a hunting camp out of a couple of shipping container boxes.  These are the containers semi-trucks carry on the interstate as they ship cargo across the country.  

Now, my Dad and brother are huge hunters and love the idea of staying in the woods for days in what they call a "hunting camp."  This is code for a "big boy fort" with no girls allowed and is fine by me [after all, I married a golfer].  Yet, during this discussion, I realized I was grimacing as they described how they would build this camp.  

But, I came home and did some research and actually found that Mark was not so off base on his scheme.  Although I doubt he had these structures in mind, they really made me reconsider how I approach new ideas on building design and green living.  I think these are amazingly cool. 

Always keep an open mind. These pictures are evidence that with an imagination, you can create something interesting. 

Have a safe and wonderful Halloween weekend.  We are celebrating with a block party and lots of fun friends.  Hope you do the same. 

Say What You Mean!

We all live with preconceived notions, and interior design is no exception.  As an interior designer, it's my job to help clients visualize a space.  You can't expect someone to get what you have worked out in your mind for a particular room.  It takes pictures and samples of everything to allow the client to see the big picture.   Let me give you an example of what I mean.

If I told you I wanted you to consider animal print for your space, would you think of this?

or would this come to mind?

  If I told you I really wanted to include a fresh arrangement of carnations [which, by the way, is my least favorite flower on the planet], would you think of this? 

Or would this come to mind?

And, if I suggested we include a "shot of mod" to freshen up the space, would you think of this?

Or something more along these lines?

"Show me" is way more important than "tell me" in the world of interior design.

"Everyone is a prisoner of his own experiences. 
No one can eliminate prejudices - just recognize them."
Edward R. Murrow

J.C. . . is that you?

 I hope you are having a great week so far.  My little get away was wonderful.  We had a very relaxing trip, and now I am looking forward to Halloween weekend.  Here's what's on my mind today.

  A few years ago, I was looking for a sectional sleeper sofa for our playroom.  I wanted a relaxed slipcover look for the space, but did not want to pay the price for it since I knew it would be totally trashed by my adorable (smile) kids.  During the search, I found a very affordable option at J.C. Penney.

Since then, J.C. has been on my radar.  They seem to be getting it these days.  Check out some of these finds! (P.S. JC Penney is not paying me for all this free advertising, so the pictures are not super clear and you will have to click through to see a larger image). 

$899.00 for the chair

 It looks a lot like one of my favorite chairs currently on sale for $3,196.00.

I think a pair of these would look great at the end of a bed or even in a den for extra storage. 
$129.99 each

This is a great deal on an occasional table that would work in a number of rooms.

$119.00 Each


It has a very similar look to the Colette Bed by Crate and Barrel, but a very different price.

Here are a couple of other pieces that have lots of potential too.



Sometimes I think you have to think outside the box on where you are looking for furnishings and fabrics.  There are so many options these days and it's really worth doing some research on prices before purchasing.


Voor mij zijn er heel wat mensen, foto's, kunst, impressies & ervaringen die klasse uitstralen of een bepaald gevoel oproepen.......

Coco Chanel: Coco Chanel c.1940
Coco Chanel


Audrey joined the UNICEF foundation and gave many        years of her life to help fight causes for the children of the poor world.

Audrey Hepburn
Lauren Hutton

Grace Kelly
Grace Kelly

Richard Gere
Richard Gere

restaurant Ladurée

Having tea at 'Laduree' in Paris

Le Cafe Marly in the Louvre courtyard.
Having lunch at 'Café Marly' in Paris....

restaurant Le First, restaurant boudoir Paris

Having dinner at restaurant 'The First'-rue Du Rivoli in Parijs

In Antwerpen: ons lievelingsrestaurant 'Sir Anthony Van Dijck'

Palladio's 'Villa Rotonda'

Leonardo Da Vinci Paint

Leonardo Da Vinci



 Anthony Van Dijck

Laocoöngroep in Vaticaans museum 

Finally . . .

It's Friday! It's Friday! 
It has been one busy, but very interesting week for me.  I hope yours has been eventful (in a good way) too!   But, if not, here's a little inspiration.  Find a comfy spot, sit down with a cocktail and some choice snacks, and chat it up with friends.  My kind of Friday evening.  

I am off on another little trip with my hubby, so I will not be able to post until mid-week.  Check back in with me then, and I will have some thoughts to share! 

3rd Grocery Store Trip

 I have been to the grocery every single day this week, and I really loathe grocery shopping.  In fact, it ranks right up there with teeth cleaning, sheet changing and washing the dog for me.  What I would do for a pantry that could hold volumes and volumes of supplies.  Smitten, I am, with these pantries . . .